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Help > Link Web Applications Portal > Human Resource Management > Performance Management > Appraisal >
Alerts & Reports


These alerts are configured in menu "Company Administration -> Configuration"

Code Description Default Value Document Template Tags Sample Alert
HRM.ALERT.PerformanceAppraisal.Created Send an email alert when a Performance Appraisal is created. This alert is sent to the employee and uses Document Template "HRM Performance Appraisal Employee Reminder Alert".  N

The following tags are used in this template:

Dear {@EmployeeName}

Appraisal "{@AppraisalCode}" as at  {@AppraisalDate} has been generated.

Please complete the employee score section for each KPI before the {@AppraisalDatePlusNDays} using the link below.



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Send a Report Email alert when overall score is between [Min] and [Max] score range. This alert is sent to the manager and uses Document Template "HRM Performance Appraisal Score Range 1 Alert". A PDF of "Performance Appraisal Improvement Plan" report is attached in the email.

Configuration Rules:

Flag  Description  Default Value 
MinScore Minimum Score  60
MaxScore Maximum Score  60.99

 N The following tags are used in this template: Dear {@ManagerName} / HRM Team

{@EmployeeName} has an overall score of {@OverallScore} in Appraisal "{@AppraisalCode}" dated {@AppraisalDate}.

This requires a performance improvement plan to be conducted.


Link Technologies - Demo (Test Mode)


Send an email alert when overall score is between [Min] and [Max] score range. This alert is sent to the manager and uses Document Template "HRM Performance Appraisal Score Range 2 Alert". A PDF of "Performance Appraisal Caution Letter" report is attached in the email.

Configuration Rules:

Flag  Description  Default Value 
MinScore Minimum Score  0
MaxScore Maximum Score  59.99

N  The following tags are used in this template: Dear {@ManagerName} / HRM Team

{@EmployeeName} has an overall score of {@OverallScore} in Appraisal "{@AppraisalCode}" dated {@AppraisalDate}.

This requires a warning letter (Disciplinary Action) to be issued.


Link Technologies - Demo (Test Mode)


Send an email alert showing list of KPI scored below [N] percent when a Performance Appraisal is submitted by the Manager or HR. This alert is sent to the manager and uses Document Template "HRM Performance Appraisal Submitted below [N] Percent Alert".

Configuration Rules:

Flag  Description  Default Value 
NPercent [N] percent below base value  60

N   The following tags are used in this template: Dear {@ManagerName}

A score of less than {@NPercent}% has been given for:

Appraisal: {@AppraisalCode}
Employee: {@EmployeeName} [{@EmployeeCode}]



Link Technologies - Demo (Test Mode)

These alerts are configured in menu "Company Administration -> Processes"

Code  Description  Default Frequency  Document Template Tags  Sample Alert 
ESS031 Performance Appraisal Employee Reminder Alert Every Day HRM Performance Appraisal Employee Reminder Alert

The following tags are used in this template:

Dear {@EmployeeName}

Appraisal "{@AppraisalCode}" as at  {@AppraisalDate} has been generated.

Please complete the employee score section for each KPI before the {@AppraisalDatePlusNDays} using the link below.



Link Technologies - Demo (Test Mode)

ESS032 Performance Appraisal Manager Reminder Alert Every Day HRM Performance Appraisal Manager Reminder Alert The following tags are used in this template:
  • {@ManagerName} - Name of the manager who has to complete the appraisal 
  • {@AppraisalList} - List of Appraisals 
  • {@WebServerURL} - Web Server URL is configured in "Configuration -> General Setting -> Web Server URL"

Dear {@ManagerName}

The below appraisals has been generated and submitted by the employees:


Please login to the portal and provide your feedback using the link below.



Link Technologies - Demo (Test Mode)

ESS033 Performance Appraisal On Hold Alert Every Day HRM Performance Appraisal On Hold Alert  The following tags are used in this template:
  • {@AppraisalList} - List of Appraisals  on hold
  • {@WebServerURL} - Web Server URL is configured in "Configuration -> General Setting -> Web Server URL"

Dear HRM Team

The below appraisals have been placed on hold.


Please login to the portal to review using the link below.



Link Technologies - Demo (Test Mode)


These reports are configured in "Business Intelligence -> Report Maintenance"

Code Description
471-3-4 Key Performance Indicator Listing

Performance Appraisal Bonus Award Letter

Report Rules
Flag  Description  Default Value 
ReportHeaderNotes Report Header Notes  Please Address All Correspondence To The Chief Executive Officer


Performance Appraisal Bonus Calculation Report

Report Rules

Flag  Description  Default Value 
DoNotGenerateReportForOpenAppraisal Prevent generating the report when the selected date range has open appraisals  Y
ApprovedLeaveCodes Enter the "Approved Leave Codes" (comma separated) to identify if an employee has taken leave for consecutive working days. Leave blank to include all leave codes.  
NumberOfCompletedAppraisals Enter the minimum number of completed appraisals required for new employees before they are included in the bonus report.  2
NumberOfConsecutiveDays Enter the number of "Consecutive Working Days". Employees on "Approved Leave Codes" for more than [N] consecutive working days will use the pro-rata bonus calculation formula.  60
ProbationMonths Enter the number of probationary period in months. New employees must complete the probationary period before they are included in the bonus report.  6
WorkingDaysInYear Enter the number of "Working Days" in a year. Set this to zero if you want the system to calculate working days based on Weekdays (Mon-Fri) excluding Public Holiday. Employee shift is not considered in this calculation.  0


Performance Appraisal Caution Letter

Report Rules
Flag  Description  Default Value 
ReportHeaderNotes Report Header Notes Please Address All Correspondence To The Chief Executive Officer
MinScore Minimum Score  50
MaxScore Maximum Score  59.99

471-3-11 Performance Appraisal Detail Report
471-3-3 Performance Appraisal Form

Performance Appraisal Improvement Plan

Report Rules
Flag  Description  Default Value 
MinScore Minimum Score  60
MaxScore Maximum Score  69.99

471-3-6 Performance Appraisal Report
471-3-10 Performance Appraisal Summary Report